Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

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Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:02 pm

The AC sectors are only available in 45 and 60 degree sectors and using 6-8 frequencies on a single tower and putting up 20 towers create a nightmare from a channel planning perspective.

Does anyone have any experience or feedback in regards to setting up 6-60's in a ABCABC configuration (with shields of course)?

The alternative would be 4 titanium 90's with shields (would that allow for ABAB?)


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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:22 pm

Your better off using the Legacy 90 degree sectors with shield kits than the Titanium Sector with shield kits as you save $100+ per sector and get the same front to back but with the Legacy sectors we clean up the edges better to only lose 3dB verses 6dB
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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:25 pm

ok, how about channel reuse in that scenario? Will ABAB work?

And are you saying total legacy? not the titanium? I think the antenna patterns on the titanium look better than the legacy.

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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:44 pm

The antenna Pattern of the Legacy is much better with the shield kit on. There are many posts from users expressing that they had better luck with the Legacy antennas with shield kits over the Titanium sector with shield kits. They both provide the same amount of F/B Ratio with shield kits but as I said with the Legacy we are able to clean up the outer edge so there in not 6dB drop off but the way the Titanium works we could not,

I actually make more money on the Titanium sectors as they are easier to build so why would I suggest you buy the legacy sectors if my motives were purely for profit?

Legacy Sector Kit =$99.95 and less if purchased in multi-packs
Titanium Sector Kit = $99.95 and there are no multi-packs and cost me less to make.

I am just telling it like it is, always have, always will.
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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:46 pm

hence the reason I ask for your input, thanks!

What about the channel reuse though, do you believe that will work?

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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:57 pm

I do not think channel reuse is wise - NO.

Channel reuse is something you try if you have no other option but with GPS Sync AND shield kits.

However I absolutely despise GPS sync as it adds latency and decreased capacity.

If people are going to use the AC antennas and AC Rockets (UNI-III Bands ONLY) the idea is to run smaller channel width and get similar throughput as 802.11n with larger channel widths.

For instance if you have GREAT signals on all your clients you can get just about the same throughput on an 802.11ac 10 MHz channel as an 802.11n 20 MHz channel.

Then if your using 10 MHz wide channels you can easily place (6) 60 degree or (8) 45 degree sectors per tower at 10 MHz wide channels. Remember 802.11ac stuff ONLY has UNI-III certifications but UNI-I and UNI-II certifications are only a few weeks aways for the past 5 months.

The problem is you need -60 dB or better signals and 25+ SNR to achieve this increased capacity at 802.11ac
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Re: Channel Reuse with AC PtMP Gear

Fri Apr 03, 2015 2:14 pm

I'm well into a ubnt AC deployment so I'll chime in a bit here.

I've always used the 50% rule for connection rate vs throughout on the 'M' gear. With the 'AC' gear it's 80%. You get a bump in modulation and drastically better/lower overhead. So yes, you do get double the throughput or a tiny bit better than that given good signal. The point is that 10Mhz channels rock with good signal levels.

Here's the downside w/ the ubnt implementation. You MUST have about 5dB more signal for a good connection, *any* good/stable connection. The AC gear is just that much more sensitive to noise it seams. I tried a few classic 90degree sectors w/ shield kits and they do work, but your modulation absolutely drops when the opposing sector is busy because the AC gear is so picky. It wasn't ideal with 'M' gear and it's really bad with 'AC' gear.

So, avoid back-to-back colocating with the AC gear and instead just use 10Mhz channels. If you are going for higher speed grades like I am, just load a sector less and run a few more 10mhz channels. Ideally, wait for RocketAC-PtMP so you get airprism then you can run 10Mhz channels really tight and just put adjacent channels in opposing directions. You have 100Mhz so you can do 10 channels w/ airprism. I'd only suggest 6 without it, with 15Mhz between channel centers.

I've been moving 'M' series devices closer and running them in DFS @20Mhz and saving the upper for AC gear, that way I can offer same-service on old+new gear. kinda sucks to juggle :/ but no DFS in AC gear now (or ever? wtf ubnt) so that's where I'm stuck.

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