Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

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Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:05 am

We have a of couple locations with a 3-AP sector array using AM-2G15 antennas and Rocket M2's. We would like to switch these out to Rocket 2AC Prism units, but they are much bigger and won't fit inside the box that shields the radio.

Any solutions to this?


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Re: Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Mon Jun 03, 2019 12:38 pm

Your choices are to upgrade shield kit to new version of shield kits or do what I do at my WISP and use the Rocket AC Lite which will fit in the box. If your not needing to do GPS sync then I find the AC Lite to work just fine.
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Re: Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:44 pm

I appreciate the reply, but I see nothing in the RF armor line that can be used with a 2GHz sector and one of the new 2AC Prism units. These AC's are similar in size and shape to one of the Rocket Prism 5AC PtP units that are quite a bit taller than the older Rocket M5's. The key to these 2.4GHz AC's is that they have a "Mixed Mode" that lets them operate with older 2.4GHz CPE, and increases capacity with the Gigabit Ethernet interface. AFAIK, there is no lite version of the 2.4AC AP.

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Re: Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:33 am

I appreciate the reply, but I see nothing in the RF armor line that can be used with a 2GHz sector and one of the new 2AC Prism units.

Say what?

All of our current shield kits will accommodate the airPRISIM radio and even the AFX radios.

I own a WSIP and use most all the UBNT radios.

There is a video in the post below showing how an airPRISIM radio fits in the current shields we have been making for almost 2 years.

Once again I refer to this video which clearly shows that airPRISIM radios do in fact fit in any sector kit ending in "X" ...

We also make a radio shield box for the back of AC and AF dishes and sectors that fit the newer radios.

These boxes fit on the back of AC sectors that have built in deflectors

These boxes fit on the back of the AF dishes that the dish extends beyond the stem focal point.

This replacement box upgrades older Dish kits with a larger box to fit airPRISIM or AFX radios
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Re: Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:59 pm

OK, sorry about that. Your website is not very clear on this, and the changes in views of the products don't work in Firefox on Linux. Would like to see other details, so maybe some other browser will do that.

I'm pretty sure this location already has the original RF Armor shields for the 2GHz sectors, but unlikely that a new radio box will fit on them. So I am looking at a complete set of shields for a 3-way array, I guess. Since the radios themselves are in metal cases, I suppose you could even run them without a box. But would lose the direct water contact protection without a box.

Was trying to use some spare sectors that I have and make up the whole array ahead of time to minimize the time my climbing crew has to fiddle with small hardware on the top of the water tank. Since the object is to change the radios, drop the old array down and hoist up the new one and mount it.

Open to any other ideas you might have on this.

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Re: Rocket 2AC Prism and AirMax 120 Sector

Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:55 am

I never changed the pictures on the kits but the Product DESCRIPTION clearly states what antennas and radios they fit.

Also there is a reason for the BOX, yes it makes a BIG difference, REPLACE the whole kit or use the Rocket AC Lite which is what I did at my WISP as unless you need channel reuse / sync I see the same performance.

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