There seems to be some muddy water between being a SuperUser and being an alpha tester. Su does not automatically get you into any or all alpha programs. I happened to be in the airVision alpha program from where I got on the ES alpha. When I got ousted from the ES alpha it was because of what I said WRT the ES being more enterprise centric than WISP centric. Matt claimed I was in the ES alpha because of my SU status but there were a bunch of us airVision alpha tester that joined the ES alpha at the same time.sirhc do NOT become a Superuser if all you do is complain about their gear...
Again, one should not confuse the SuperUser group with alpha testers. Sure, some of the same ground rules may apply but that is unfortunate. I would want my alpha testers to be brutally honest and not sycophants. By the time the product is out of alpha, the kinks should have been worked out. The alpha testers should hang their heads in shame if they did not do their job. Of course we will never know who didn't do their utmost best.