Carbon Fibre RF Armor

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Carbon Fibre RF Armor

Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:44 pm

How about an RF Armor style kit made of carbon fibre that snaps together on a pre-existing dish, Like an "otter box". Think of snapping it together on a tower. Plus huge wait loss. You could use RAM(rf abosorbant materials) to in-lay the pieces and paint it with RAM coating that is UV stabalized for extra isolation. I think absorbtion of RF energy in co-local situations may be a bigger advantage than say reflection. Since I cannot see what happens to the energy when it is reflected off of the metal surfaces of the RF Armor kits, I assume, it bounces off and sprays out everywhere. I addmit I am not an engineer, but this should get a conversation started.

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Re: Carbon Fibre RF Armor

Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:19 pm

Reflecting has it advantages on the sector kits where it cleans up the edges to 3 dB down points from 6dB.
I think the metal also serves to carry away heat.

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