Ping from switch
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:55 pm
As part of our management setup, I have our web interface able to ping various devices from other devices (ie: ping something directly attached to one router, switch, etc.). On the Cisco side, I just shell out and call "clogin" (from the rancid package: and read in the results of the command.
I suspect I'll do something similar with the netonix switches, but while I'm planning, I wanted to check if ssh-ing in and running ping is the best option on the platform or if there's some other neat way to do it (REST via https, SNMP, etc.).
I suspect I'll do something similar with the netonix switches, but while I'm planning, I wanted to check if ssh-ing in and running ping is the best option on the platform or if there's some other neat way to do it (REST via https, SNMP, etc.).