It has nothing to do with our switch, they are not enabling Flow Control on their end.
They have a couple of our switches. They should upgrade the firmware on the switches we gave them and figure it out.
Our switches properly show when flow control is enabled on the other device and ACTIVE on our switch.
UBNT AC radios did not show FLow Control and UBNT fixed their firmware to actually enable Flow Control and now it does show Flow Control enabled if you Enable it on their AC radios.
How to enable Flow Control on UBNT AC radios:Click Network on left side.
Select Advanced COnfiguration Mode
Open Interfaces
Select LAN0 and Edit it
Enable Transmit and Receive Flow Control
Save and Apply
Then our switch show Flow Control is Active
UBNT 802.11n radios we show Flow Control active properly.
UBNT fixed their airFIBER radios to properly enable Flow Control and they now show as Flow Control ACTIVE on our switches.
The problem is they are NOT enabling Flow Control on their Radios, I know this for a fact as I have some of their radios and I have complained that they do NOT have Flow Control active.
If our switch is not reporting Flow Control as ACTIVE it is pretty much because it is not active on the device the switch is talking to is not configured to use Flow Control.
This has nothing to do with Netonix be compatible as Flow Control is an industry standard and built into the chip set by the manufacturer. Even with out switch we do not write the switch core code we just interact with it.
As I said I have MIMOSA radios and they simply do not have Flow Control active on the radio's Ethernet interface. I even tried hooking it to our Cisco router and the Cisco reported no Flow Control active.......IT IS NOT US!