In regards to What is low or high priority.
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:55 am
From POWER flag on WS-12-250-DC:
When power is too low or temperatures are too high the switch will begin disabling PoE ports to keep the system running. Ports with the lowest priority will be disabled first.
My questiont here is about "what way" the scale in Netonix products go, in this example I can set a value from 1-12 corresponding to how many ports there are I guess.
EXAMPLE: So if I set priority number 1 on port number 3, and priority 8 on port number 2, wich port is considered the low priority in case of low power then?
I would guess port number 3 with priority number 1 will be the HIGH priority port here thus keeping its power, but I just wanted to post the question here to make sure I understand this right!
SECOND Question: IF SO is this true for other numbered priority settings in Netonix switches(f,ex.STP) that lower number means HIGHER priority?
Sorry for the stupid question, but just making sure I understand it right so I dont get any bad surprises someday!
When power is too low or temperatures are too high the switch will begin disabling PoE ports to keep the system running. Ports with the lowest priority will be disabled first.
My questiont here is about "what way" the scale in Netonix products go, in this example I can set a value from 1-12 corresponding to how many ports there are I guess.
EXAMPLE: So if I set priority number 1 on port number 3, and priority 8 on port number 2, wich port is considered the low priority in case of low power then?
I would guess port number 3 with priority number 1 will be the HIGH priority port here thus keeping its power, but I just wanted to post the question here to make sure I understand this right!
SECOND Question: IF SO is this true for other numbered priority settings in Netonix switches(f,ex.STP) that lower number means HIGHER priority?
Sorry for the stupid question, but just making sure I understand it right so I dont get any bad surprises someday!