mike99 wrote:I experienced it for a long time that sometime, It's happen that the revert fonction won't work.
I'm under impression the switch will return just long enough to confirm the new config before loosing access again like if the're sometime some kind of gap between the switch API confirmation and the whole config being apply on the switch core.
This sounds like a reasonable assumption. What would likely cause that was that vtss_appl would crash as changes where taking affect. This would interrupt switching but it is possible it occurred right in the window you're talking about. Which would prevent the switch from maintaining a connection if vtss_appl went into a crash loop afterwards it could simultaneously force the config to be corrupted and prevent access back to the switch which could also prevent the defaulting process from working.
vtss_appl would crash often on very simple changes before 1.5.5rc2 and will be even more stable in the new release which will be soon, see:
and follow the discussion I have with mayheart
This is why we have been so incessant about updating to 1.5.5rc2 this crash loop is likely the cause of many other (seemingly unrelated) grievance's on the forum's for quite some time.