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Re: Wireshark

Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:19 am

You don't need a syntax to lunch wireshark, the're a GUI.

With linux, you can use instead

tcpdump -i $mynic

A easier way would be to connect a netonix at the bottom and use the mac-table feature that will give you the MAC and IP address if possible. If the mac-table can't see it, I don't think you will be able to find it with wireshark.

If that don't work, you could climb and install a linux or *BSD mini-pc with a serial port connected to the netonix and plug the network cable to this PC instead, After, you ssh to the mini-pc and use a CLI serial terminal like minicom to access the CLI of the switch.

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Re: Wireshark

Fri Mar 31, 2017 8:38 am

Ok I connected a Netonix to top switch on Port 1 of each switch and can see the top switches MAC but it's IP says unknown.

And advise ? I need to get the top switches IP (Without Climbing if possible)

I've tried to Wireshark it but am having issues getting it to see the top switches MAC and match it's ip.

At a loss guys. help if you can would be appreciated.

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Re: Wireshark

Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:58 pm

This would possible because one of the following:

1) Misconfigured VLANs on the top switch
2) Misconfigured IP on the top switch
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Re: Wireshark

Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:38 pm

Very possible it's a VLAN issue

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