Cleaning up

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Cleaning up

Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:01 am

Today I spent about four hours cleaning up our main distribution rack in the data center. I am using a WS-12-250a and a WS-24-250a to consolidate all of the PoE devices. Prior to the clean up there was a hodge podge PoE adapters for a mix of air fibers and exalt g2 links as well as a digital loggers poe... I'm having trouble locating a before picture but I'm sure I'll find one and add it later.

Here is how I ended today.
20141213_145930small.jpg (218.47 KiB) Viewed 7135 times

20141213_145940small.jpg (214.73 KiB) Viewed 7135 times

Here are a couple of shots showing the configuration and the WS12 pumping out over 600Mb
WSCleanup01.PNG (107.56 KiB) Viewed 7135 times

WSCleanupVLAN.PNG (48.7 KiB) Viewed 7135 times

the WS is acting as a mid-span for the G2's and the AF. I'm trunking all the Rocket M5's back on a single port. I'll eventually trunk 2 or three of the G2 links back on a single port but wanted to ease in to that. Ultimately I'd like to play with running a single 2Gb or 3Gb LACP/LAG group back to the router(s) and trunk all the vlan's over that.

Chris, I'm trusting you here! My entire network is riding on one single switch! I'll migrate a few of the links to the WS24 soon instead of everything important running on the WS12.
I'm still devising a plan but I'll probably do something like North-South links on one switch and East-West links on the other.
The goal as we are building out will be to have a connection (ring) between the N-S and E-W links so if something fails things keep trucking.
I'll have to add an additional MPLS & Core router in the DC also to get full redundancy as well.

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Re: Cleaning up

Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:16 pm

adairw wrote:Chris, I'm trusting you here! My entire network is riding on one single switch!

That looks awesome, thanks for posting this up for us! :thumbsup:

I have almost my entire network now running via WISP Switch.

Five more towers to go but all the main towers from where our fiber comes in from Level 3 and most of the way around our main AF24 ring has been switched over.

Funny how we replaced on average three ToughSwitch PRO and 3 AF POE bricks at each tower with one WS-24-400A, our boxes seem empty and much easier to see whats going on in them.

Will be listing a LOT of TS8's and TS5's on eBay this coming week!
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Re: Cleaning up

Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:57 pm

sirhc wrote:...
Will be listing a LOT of TS8's and TS5's on eBay this coming week!

Hmm... got a few TS-5 for sale cheap until your DC powered small switches come out? I've had a few failures I need to replace!

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