Netonix restarts when it hits CPU Usage 100%

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Netonix restarts when it hits CPU Usage 100%

Wed Dec 20, 2017 2:47 pm

I have some troubles with netonix Switches.we are using WS-26-500-DC,WS-8-120-DC, WS-12-25-DC,WS-26-400-iDC in our network.
1. Our cpu usage is always above 70% all the time and when it hits 100 it restarts and I cant pull any logs to find why is this happening. we are using like 4 to 5 netonix in our network and we replaced one of them to make sure the switch is bad. now we have the same issue with our new
2. Our Power supply controller #2 Temp is always above 70.
3. One of my 8 port netonix is on DHCP and when DHCP fails it never fall back to it fallback IP and when dhcp is up I can see the configurations fallback is configured with which I am unable to connect.

Please help me hear.Thank you in advance.

Screenshot from 2017-12-20 11-00-26.png
Last edited by adi on Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Netonix restarts when it hits CPU Usage 100%

Wed Dec 20, 2017 5:10 pm

adi wrote:Our cpu usage is always above 70% all the time

The CPU has nothing to do with packet switching.
The switch has a small MIPS 24K CPU which runs the CLI / UI / STATS / and other Daemons like SNMP
The DC SMART switches use a lot of the CPU power to keep track of all the stats.

If you have multiple people logged into the switch UI/CLI each user requires additional CPU usage. I have seen where multiple people login to the switch and leave the UI up all the time which kills the CPU.

As well if you are polling the switch too often with SNMP this will drive the CPU usage up as well. I would not poll the switch more than 1 time per minute.

adi wrote:when it hits 100 it restarts and I cant pull any logs to find why is this happening.

Not sure, but your CPU should not hit 100% or at least very often and ony for a few seconds unless you are polling the crap out of it with SNMP?

adi wrote:Our Power supply controller #2 Temp is always above 70.

This is not too high, the chip is rated to above 100C. When your not pulling that many watts which you are not at around 140 watts then most of the work is done on one of the controller chips. The 500 watt power supply is (2) of our 250 watts working in tandem.

adi wrote:One of my 8 port netonix is on DHCP and when DHCP fails it never fall back to it fallback IP and when dhcp is up I can see the configurations fallback is configured with which I am unable to connect.

I will ask Eric to verify DHCP fallback is working. It still amazes me why anyone would use DHCP in their infrastructure devices like switches and routers?

adi wrote:Couple months ago our Ubiquiti Airfiber 24 is fired up. I can see nothing in netonix logs. Our guess was Netonix fired it. when i send it to Ubiquiti RMA they sent me a new device and they cant figure it out what happened to it.

There is no way our switch can fry your airFIBER 24 as the AF24 uses power on all 4 pair and can accept upto 54V and our switch only puts out 50V. Your AF24 simply failed or you suffered ground current damage. We repair UBNT radios and a lot of AF24 radios and almost all times the radio is damaged from ground current.

Most common cause of ground current damage is electrical service grounds are not bonded to tower grounds and or your electrical service ground rods are insufficient and stray ground current is traversong the Ethernet cable to the tower ground rods. Add new electrical service ground rods and bond to old ones cleaning up and corrosion. Read the grounding posts below.

Here are some good posts on grounding:

Here is where we repair other manufacturer equipment: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2827#p19482
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Re: Netonix restarts when it hits CPU Usage 100%

Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:59 pm

In netonix can I limit the users to access the switch.
Our snmp servers have no access to our netonix like a week.

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